미국일상 | Posted by K.Ch 2009. 1. 17. 08:00

시험후 나들이2부

사진 업로드하는동안 100분토론을 보았는데... 황당하고 어의가없어서... 이포스팅은 사진만 올리고 끝내련다,,
미국일상 | Posted by K.Ch 2009. 1. 17. 07:49

시험후의 나들이1부

구도,빛에 대해 나름 많이 생각해보고 평소와 다르게 찍어보려고 나름 노력하였는데 그다지 많은 변화가 없는것 같아 아쉽다...ㅠ
일단 조금다르게 보인다. 이전까지는 무조건 평가노출 적절노출에 칼갖게 맞춰서만 찍엇습니다. 그 정가운데의 적정노출 점을 왜이렇게 얽매여 있엇는지 모르겟습니다.ㅠㅠ 빛에대해 아~~주 조금이나마 진전이 있엇던것으로 봅니니다.ㅎㅎ
미국일상 | Posted by K.Ch 2009. 1. 16. 10:03

090115 야경촬영

잘 찍지도 못하고, 시험후여서 몸살이 날것 같고, 밖에 눈도 오는데도 구지 밖으로 나갑니다...
난... 사진 찍고있엇을 뿐이고~ 차는 나를 향해 달려오고~...
iso 좀 낮출껄 애휴..
오늘도 달은 안보이네요.. 뭐만 할려 그러면 참.. 어찌~함ㅁㅁㅁ~~~ 니까~~~~
미국일상 | Posted by K.Ch 2009. 1. 16. 07:16

눈오는날의 화려한 외출

오늘 마지막 시험을 시작하기전 갑자기 눈이오더군요..
30% 눈올확률이였는데 오더군요.. 오랜만에 본 눈이라 반갑기는 하지만..
가뜩이나 바람도 심하게부는데 비가아니라 눈이내린다는건 날씨가 더 춥다는 의미이지요...
시험보기 바로전 창밖을 통해 찍엇습니다.ㅎ

시험이 끝나고난후 또 찰칵~

막상 망원렌즈,쩜팔렌즈,표준줌 번들렌즈 다 바리바리 싸들고와서 다람쥐,새 들을 찍으려고 했는데
계획이 무산되어 맥카페로...

애매한 시간이여서 그런지 90%가 노인분들이더군요, 워낙 뉴저지 연령층이 높기도 하지만..
마치 시골의 마을회관 같은 분위기였습니다....
핫초코 한잔 시켯더니 2불얼마 하더군요. 맛은 꽤 좋습니다. 크림과 초코시럽을 더해서그런지..

집에 도착해서 들어가려고 하는데 뭔가 보여서 자세히보니 다름아닌 새 발자국..ㄷㄷ;;
여기 왜왓니?.. 종종걸음으로 누비고 다녔더군요.. 난 왜 새는 못찾고 발자국만 찾지..
어제 달을 촬영하기위해서 달이 구름에 가려져서 평소 실컷 찍엇던 사자와 벌판만 또찍고 들어와서 오늘은 기대했는데, 오늘도 달님은 창피하다고 구름뒤로 꼭꼭 숨으셨네요..힝ㅠ
미국일상 | Posted by K.Ch 2009. 1. 15. 10:22


스포이드를 통해 이렇게 저렇게 색상을 변경하고있는데 뭔가 부족한듯한 이느낌...
역시 사진이 이상해서 그런것일까...ㄷㄷ

미국일상 | Posted by K.Ch 2009. 1. 15. 09:56

친구가 피스톤을 샀다..ㄷㄷ

터보튠이 된 중고 트럭을 산 친구는, 전 주인의 무리한 터보튠 사용 으로 인해
엔진이 나가서 엔진을 공장에 맞겻다. 족히 100만원 쯤은 들꺼같다..ㄷㄷ
그러면서 이참에 피스톤도 업그레이드 시키겟다고 600달러짜리를 주문하였다...
V8 즉 8개..

딴건 모르겠고, 알바도 안하면서 기름값과 매달 400불의 보험료는 어떻게 유지할지 심히 걱정된다.
미국일상 | Posted by K.Ch 2009. 1. 13. 13:17

볶은김치 두부 삼겹살

스트로보를 빨리 장만해야 겟네요... 번들렌즈 최대개방해도 3.5.. 문제는 전체적인 팬포커스를 표현하고 싶은데 내장  플래시를 쓰자니 사진이 조금 부자연 스럽다구나 할까.. 물론 후보정 을 하면 괜잖겟지만, 아직은 보정에 약해서...ㄷㄷ

ps. 악덕 한인마트 H마트가 허브삼겹살을ㄹ 50프로 세일해서 3.99 하길래 5파운드나 샀다능..
      아주머니와 평소 인사도 잘하고 근황도 묻고 했더니 6.5~7파운드를 5파운드 가격에 주셧다능..
      현제 내동고에 삼겹살이 산처럼 쌓여있습니다. 이제 3분요리 끝!!!  그나저나 매일 삼겹살만 먹어야
      하는데,,,,, 난 , 쌈장,상추 까먹고 안사왔을 뿐이고... 집에는 참기름도 없고..
미국일상 | Posted by K.Ch 2009. 1. 13. 10:30

US History 2 드디어 끝 ㅠㅠ

According to the theort of mercantilism, a country has a favorable of trade when:
The valueexports is greater than the value of importants
The purpose of the navigation act was to:
Restrict colonial trade
As a result of england's policy of "salutary neglect," the colonies developed:
A self-sufficient economy.
In the late 1600s, the number of enslaved Africans in the south increased:
The availability of indentured servants from europe
The "middle passge" refers to the part of the transatlantic trade network that carried:
Africans from africa to the west indies and north america
The enlightenment was a movement that emphasized the valus of:
The great awakening caused some colonists to:
Abandon their puritan and anglican congregations
During the french and indian war, native americans fought on the side of the:
Both british and the french
Whith the proclamation of 1763,the british government attempted to:
Stop settlement west of the appalachians.
The sugar act was an effort by the british parliiament to:
Reduce colonial smuggling
During which event did the first fighting between recoats and minutemen occur:
Battle of lexington
Who wrote a pamphlet calles common sense, arguing that the tume bad come for american independence:
Thomas paine
Which european country supported the american colonies during the revolutionary war:
Which event confirmed american independence and set the boundaries of the new nation:
The treaty of paris
In which incidenmt did crispus attucks  play a significant role:
The boston massacre
Which of the following men helped to found the sons of liberty:
Samuel adams
What did the townshend acts bring about:
Indirect taxes on imported goods
How did the colonists react to the intolerable acts:
Assemblies in the colonies set up committees of correspondence
Whose concepts did jefferson drawn upon as he drafted the declaration of independence:
John locke's
During the revolutionary war, what did the continental army lack:
Food and ammunition
The articles of confederation gave the national governmeent the power to:
Declare war
A republic is government in which:
Citizens rule throught their elected representatives
publicanism is the idea that:
Governments should be based on the consent of the people
Under the articales of confederation, each state's power in congress was based on:
One vote per state
A confederation is:
An alliance
A tariff is a tax on:
Imported goods
From the time of the declaration of independence until the ratification of the constitution,
the United States functioned without:A president
Shay's rebellion was a protest by farmers who faced problems from:
Debts they owed to creditors
The great compromise was an agreement about how to:
Determine a state's representation in congress
The system that maintains the separation of powers among the branches of the federal
government is called:Checks and balances
The number of states needed to ratify the constitution before it could go into effect was:
Adding a bill of rights to the constitution was largely supported by the:
One of the accomplishments of the northwest ordinance of 1787 was to:
Establish requirements for admitting new states to the union
In opposing the constitutionn, the anti-federalists argued that it lacked protection for:
Individual rights
All of the following men wrote letters contained in the federalist papers:
John jay, James madison, Alexander hammilton
The first ten amendments of ths u.s constitutin are known as the:
Bill of rights
A government in which citizens rule through their elected representative is called a:
The amandment that guarantees citizens' rights to freedom of speech, religion,the press
and political activity is the:
The most widely read antifederalist publicantion, letters from a federal farmer was
probably written by:
Richard henry lee
The branch of government charged with making laws in the:
The branch of government charged with interpreting laws is the
Supporters of the constitution during the debate over its ratification were known
The land ordinance of 1785 was:
A law establishing a plan for surveying western lands
The northwest ordinance of 1787:
established procedures for western lands to become territoried
The agreement over how states would be represnted in congress was known as the:
Great compromise
The most prominent leader of the federalist party who ppromoted a strong
central bank was:Alexander hamilton
As a result of pinckney's treaty,the us received land concessions from:
Jay's treaty, which allowed the british to continue a us fur trade angreed:
western settlers
the xyz affair brought the us to the brink of war with:France
The second president of the us was:
John adams
The virginia and kentucky resolutions promoted the principle of:
The monroe doctrine was largely a response to;
The interest of european nations in creating colonies in
north and south america
the 1828 "tariff of abominations" was given that name by those who
thought the tariff hurt the south while helping:
Northern manufacturers
The american system helped bringthe nation together by:
Creating a better transportation network to
facilitate the exchange of goods
Andrew jackson used the power of the presidency to:
Fire many federal officials and appoint
loyal followers in their places
The factory system was dependent on all of the following:
Inexpensive labor,
Interchaneable parts,
power-driven machinery
Some native american peoples in the southeast were called"the
five civiillized tribes" because:
They had adopted aspects of europeanculture
Nullification promotes the iddea of:
States' rights
The whig party, formed in 1834, supported:
Protective tariffs and a federal banking systeem
The concept of states' rights was enthusiastically supported by:
John c. calhoun
Andrew jackson's "pet banks" contributed to the panic of 1837 by:
Printing paper money that was not backed up by gold and silver
The industrial revolution in ths united states
involved all of the following :
The consruction of textile factories in new england,
The inntroduction of labor-saving machinery,
A decrease in the nation's dependence on foreign trade
Eli whitney is best known for his invention of the:
Cotton Gin
Henry clay proposed the american system for all of the:
The construction of textile factories in new  england,
The introduction of labor-saving machinery
A decrease in the nation's dependence on foreign trade
The main purpose of the tariff of 1816 was to:
Aid american industry
All of the following are true of the erie canal:
Triggered a canal-building boom,
Was highly profitable for new york
Effectively linked the atlantic ocean to the great lakes
The inventor of the cotton gin was:
Eli Whitney
The main proponent of the american system was:
Henry clay
As a result of the adams-onis treaty,the us acquired
The political party founded by those angry with andrew jackson
was the: Whing party
Andrew jackson's successor was:
Martin van buren
When the civil war began, what was lincoln's main goal:
To restore the union
In which area did the south have an advantage over the north:
Military leadership
Which of the following abolished slavery in the north
The 13th amendment
Why was the battle of gettysburg considered a turning point in
the war:It madde the south give up the idea of invading the north
Why was farragut's victory along the mississippi so important:
It advanced the union plan to split the confederacy along the
The first major battle of the civil war occurred at:
bull run
What happend as a result of the battle between the monitor
and the merrimack:
Both sailed away as the battle was a draw
The battle that many consider the turning point  of the war was:
The leader of the destructive march through georgia was:
Willam tecumseh sherman
The tax that takes a percentage of what someone earn is:
Income tax
The wilmot proviso procided that slavery be banned from:
New mexico
During the 1850s, chicago grew mainly due to:
The expansion of the railroads
Who thought that the restriction of slavery would lead to a
social and economic revolution: John c.calhoun
The compromise of 1850 was proposed by:Henry clay
According to the idea of popular sovereignty, which of the
following would decide whether slavery would be allowed
in a territory:The residents of the territory
내일은 시험 ㄷㄷㄷㄷ.....

미국일상 | Posted by K.Ch 2009. 1. 12. 11:31

숲으로 향하다.

한번도 안가본 지역을 걸어가 보았다. 날씨는 여전히 바람이 심하다.
그나마 해가 쨍쨍해서 셔터 스피드,조리개 값을 확보 할수있어서 정말 좋앗다.
이사진을 다른 분이라면 어떻게찍고 어떻게 보정 할까 라는 생각을 수없이 해본다.

햇빛은 따듯햇지만, 바람이 많이불어 체감온도는 심히 낮았다.ㅠㅠ
이 새의 날개는 바람이 불면 바람개비가 된다. 패닝샷처럼 연출하기위해 셔터속도를 낮추니 사진이 흔들렸다.ㅠㅠ

마치 몇십년 쯤 되보이는 포스..ㄷㄷ
좀 걸어서 숲속으로 들어가려고 하니 수많은 노란 포스터가 보였다...
자세히 가 보았다.

쓰레기야 그렇다 쳐도 사냥금지.. 즉 내가 총을 맞을지도 모른다는 생각에 덜덜 떨면서 그냥 집에 될아왓다. 총맞고 이나이에 천국가기는 싫다.ㄷㄷ

흠 그때는 아름다웠는데,, 역시 아직 표현이 서투르다..

(5)  29.22  B F' U2 F2 R2 D2 F B L2 F' U' B L' R2 D U' L' B2 F L' F' R D2 U2 F'

처음에는 프로그램이 섞으라고 준 명령그대로 섞어준후 15초간 볼수있는 시간이 주어진후 경고소리와

함께 시작하는것이 룰이다. 29초나 걸렸다...ㅠㅠㅠㅠ 아으 창피해

생각만해도 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 이때  미국온지 얼마안되서 인기를 끌기위해  개열심히 큐브만해서 미국고등학교 교장의추천으로 큐브동아리를 설립하고 우리학교에서는 아시아최초로 동아리 회장이 되었다.
물론 고생끝에 인기와 관심을 끌게되었다.ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ

다음에 있는 큐브카폐에서 우수회원이 되기위해서는 평균35초이하 의 기록과
동영상이 포함되어 있어야한다. 맞추는데 정말 서투른 모습이다.. ㅠ
한국에서 못기르던 수염을 길러보기 시작했던때라 정말 언밸런스하다ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
더웃긴건 이때 미국애들이 MTV 에 나를 제보했다는것이다;;ㄷㄷㄷㄷ
그당시 학교 전교생이 내이름을 외우는 계기를 제공한 소중한 추억의 큐브..
지금도 가끔 하곤 한다. 당시기록..ㄷㄷ